May 9, 2009

Bleed for Life

That's da slogan for da blood donation campaign organised by students' councils. I woke up at 7am, plan to play basketball but too bad it was raining that time. So I slept back. By da time I woke up is 915am, I missed da mess breakfast. Screw it and continue sleep some more. Got a message from my class rep asking me to go for blood donation. Damn I totally forgot about it. I drank beer last night (it was too hot last night, I was looking for cold drinks but my fridge only have that) and slept at 3am. Anyway, I slept for 6 hours already should be enough. After drank a cup of oat, I went to MPL for blood donation. When filling in da form, comes to da option "Alcohol - 24 hours", I ticked YES. I bring along my form to queue up and waiting for them to take my blood sample. The fellow pricked at my finger, take some blood and drop some in a blue solution see whether it will sink (to know whether da hemoglobin level is sufficient). Yes, it sinked I knew it. This is my third time to donate blood la dude. My blood group is tested as well. Wait, the fellow in charged saw da alcohol option ticked YES. She asked a lady doctor standing beside her whether it is okay. "How many ounce you drank?" asked da lady doc. "Erm, 1 bottle, 350ml I think, is BEER." I said. She noded her head means I can donate my blood. Haha. The same lady doctor measured my blood pressure and another lady poked da needle into my vein. I was lying down so can't get to see my blood flow into da bag. After that, they provide me a small box carton of juice. They made sure I'm really okay only let me go. Just finished lunch, I ate well so that my blood will be restored in quantity as well as quality faster. Gotta start doing SDL Microb. MICROB AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT TO DO?!!!

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