A friend of mine asked me to update my blog with more cadaver's photos. I just simply don't have any time to do this and blog a nice post. Just finished drawing three stupid epithelium for my histology journal, it took me 75 minutes to complete all the drawings. These few days are really busy and stressed with studies so doesn't have anything special to blog about. Since nothing special to write, just roughly type out my upcoming events here.
27/3 Physiology Self-directed Learning Presentation
31/3 Anatomy Test
1/4 Anatomy Problem Based Learning Presentation
3/4 Physiology Self-directed Learning Presentation
5/4 Physiology Self-directed Learning Evaluation (Test)
14/4 Physiology Problem Based Learning Pre-presentation
21/4 Anatomy Test
24/4 Physiology Problem Based Learning Presentation
3/5 Physiology Non Self-directed Learning Test
6/5 Biochemistry Problem Based Learning Presentation
Actually still got a lot more. I know it's pretty lame to do so. Kerry, at least I updated my blog.
0.0 omg natalie!! you gonna be super duper busy!!! hehehe..
glad that you updated your blog, keep us updated!! appreciate that! hehe.. take care there! and enjoy your uni life! =D
Whats up neo again? Alrighty then another good update..keep going! dont stress too much on your studies, however keep your focus and concentration to hit the right target leading to the right direction to your career..Yes! Yes! Play, hang around, go banana boating, jump, walk,dance,have fun,..etc above all, Do well in your studies :) doesnt matter Cheers!! oh boy, I remember my students life like a big history. Lately rainy days here in bangalore, Mangalore and udupi would be more or less the same the weather...say approx 120 KM from here. Btw, Buck Cherry one fav band in my list, zai jian..Bless!
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