April 5, 2009

"Bloody" Experience

Chinese orientation was over yesterday. Actually, I've planned to go for breakfast at 9am this morning then camping in library till evening. Forgot to set alarm last night before I went to bed. I woke up at 9am this morning...screw da breakfast, continued with my dreams till I received message from a friend. There's a autopsy at mortuary in 30 minutes. Quickly, I got up and washed up myself. Packed my bag so that I can go library after autopsy. Nice experience watching da forensic doctor doing post-mortem. Definitely, it doesn't smell nice..erm it's smell like in da wet market, like those butchers cutting da pigs....smell of fresh blood...It's seem easy to cut da fresh dead body compared to what I've seen during first year in dissection hall. The person in charged told us a lot of things eg: how to identify those bruises and fractures and da possible reason which causes it. Kind of lost da appetite after watching autopsy, impacts were greatly seen in my friends. Need to copy da report from forensic department and find out the cause of death.

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