Classes are commenced for almost a week. Even though there were 3 days of extension for holidays, there were stil 34 students "ponteng" for da first two days. I guess this should be noted down in MMMC history or in da M-life. LOL. Dean was angry and da so called Love Letter is issued to those students. By the way, that's all da dean can do. I thought something different might happen this time cuz never get to see him so SERIOUS before. Anyhow, those students are safe now and allowed to attend class.
The coming half year gonna be a tough one. University exam is ahead waiting for me. So far, I didn't fall asleep during lectures cuz these few days slept quite early, before 12am or 1am like that. Workload is getting heavier now...All da Ls are coming again next week. Sometime really don't understand, why we need to pay so much of tuition fees for "Self learning"? SDL and IL topics for microbiology are more than those need to be taught in class. There will be lectures on saturday for continuous 6 weeks means now only have one day off. And I won't be feeling that happy during Friday nights anymore. Glad that this friday will be a public holiday. Yippie!!! I bet most of da juniors are definitely busy planning for Goa.
Gotta stop here, this post kind of long compared to usual cuz I'm feeling bored now. A lot of things happened around me since holidays...even come to a situation, almost end a friendship. I guess we need time and have a lot more to learn. 每一段爱情和友情得来不易,且珍惜。
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