May 16, 2010


I'm now having OBG posting in Karkala hospital. One thing good about posting in Karkala are no posting on saturday and everyday lunch time till 2.30pm. Since there's no posting yesterday, my friends and me went to a nearby island, St. Mary's Island to picnic. I'm glad that surgery posting is cancelled last minute so that more people going with us, initially only 5 of us. Got up early to prepare food. Everything were smooth, do not caught waiting for bus or boat for too long. We spent almost half a day in da island. Came back in da evening. A bit sun burn cuz apply not enough sun block. I'm shiny dark now. LOL.

One bad thing about OBG posting, the doctors are too busy with their work and  have no time for us. End up, I really don't know what are da things we supposed to know. So just read up whatever it is basic or things I feel it's interesting whenever I can loh... This afternoon went library, end up spending most of da time sleeping cuz da AC is cold and made me so comfy. I guess energy not yet recovered. Continue to sleep after came back from library. Till now, dinner time...I'm feeling fresh now. Guess will go library again after dinner since I'm not yet getting da textbook I wanna use.

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